Tuesday 12 April 2011

Growing up in a small town: Advantages and disadvantages.

It must be really nice growing up in a small town. No pollution, no traffic and mainly there’s no noise like that in a city. The air is clean and sweet and one becomes fresh by taking in the smell of this fine air. However, these are not the only things that define a town. Schools are one with nature and this makes learning more interesting. There are lots of open spaces for the children to run around and play which is good for the health. The quality of education has also improved by leaps and bounds in small towns due to the advancement of technology (eg :- Personal computers help get information from the Internet).

Although a town may have these advantages over a city, the students and people in these towns are not exposed to much of the world as compared to the students and people in a city. Today, competition selects the best among the best and has become the only way of survival. Hence, a person who has grown up in a small town would have had very little exposure to the outside world. This is where people brought up in cities have the edge over the town people.

 Survival in the 21st century mainly depends on education and the quality of education that people get in cities is far better than the quality of education in towns. As a result person in the city is considered “better” than the person in a town. The technology in towns might be outdated as compared to the technology in the cities. The students in city-schools get to attend and participate in many inter-school culturals and expo’s which increases their level of knowledge and this helps them in future. This is one major disadvantage faced by the students in the small towns. Growing up in small towns would be a lot of fun given proper exposure and extra-curricular activities. I wouldn’t mind being brought up in a town like that.

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