Tuesday 12 April 2011

Development (What is development according to you?)

What is development? Development is a term used to highlight the growth of something. In a way, development means growth. Anything can develop in our world. A place can develop, a company can develop and so can a human being. But this development we see happens only if there is a lot of work being done to improve the present situation of the subject. Development is not something that happens over a day not a week, not even a year. It takes place over a period of time and the stages in development can hardly be seen. In this process, only the start and end result can be seen. No one knows how this change is brought about. Development is thus intangible.

The concept of development is also used as an index for the growth of a nation. Countries have been classified as developed, developing and under-developed countries. How can you tell whether a country is developed or not? The measure of development of a country is its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). I would say that the concept of development does not work well in the scenario of growth of countries. A country is developed only when all its resources are used till its optimum utility but in the world of economics, resources is the main problem faced because of the fact that they are scarce and also because they have alternative uses. When a resource is used for one purpose, its ability to satisfy another purpose is lost. So no country can be fully developed. There will be drawbacks in every country which are hindrances to development.

Development can also be a source of disturbance. For example, Advancement in weaponry- advanced weapons like nuclear missiles etc. in the wrong hand could cause a lot of damage. Therefore, development has to take place with extreme caution and the concerned authorities need to ensure that the products of development do not fall in the wrong hands. Development should take place in a way that does not harm the environment nor cause un-comfort to the people. Lastly and most importantly, development should be controlled.

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